Mister Nobody

Have you ever thought that life is so tough and unjust? Have you ever hit a point that the pain is so deep that you thought you'd never get out? Did it happen for once that the thought of "ending your misery" has crossed your mind? Let's take a look at Mister Nobody who dealt with hell itself and still managed to keep a smile on his sad face.

It was in the early winter of 2001 when Mister Nobody came into this world with asthmatic lungs and a very "lovely" mother. The first thing his eyes caught sight of was the person who hated him the most; his mother. He only realized that when he got beaten by her for the first time at the age of three. That happened when he came from school one day with blood on his shirt; blood of the bullies who kept on bothering him for months, until he finally decided to stand up for himself after he figured out that no one is going to help him. When he was back home, his parents were arguing whether Mister Nobody should be punished or not for beating three other kids leaving them broken bones. After a few minutes, his father took off to work and his mother had all the time she wanted to make him pay for what he had done. For that, she forced him to drink and swallow some household detergent then took away his oxygen machine and locked him inside the bathroom. It was only a few hours later until his father came home to find him lying on the ground as he had already fainted and immediately rushed him to the hospital. As he came back to his conscious mind, it was just him and his mother in the room. She whispered to him in the ear:'' if you tell your father about this, I'll rain down the fires of hell on you". And simply just like that, he closed the case and put it on the shelf.

Life kept on going, as it always had. As the years passed by, Mister Nobody and his family had to move out for mysterious reasons. As a matter of fact, they had to travel half the way across the world to have a fresh start and begin a new life. In the new country, Mister Nobody faced a new challenge in trying to adapt, even though he didn't like it. But he was willing to do his very best to fit in for the sake of his father. He learned the language and decided to go to school. On his first day of school, Mister Nobody got mocked for his hilarious pathetic accent, but he didn't make a big deal out of it because he knew that he'll be in serious trouble if he hurts anyone. Things had been the same until he fully got the accent of the locals, but that was still not enough to make friends since he wasn't a very pleasant face to look at. Things didn't take long to get worse for Mister Nobody as his mother decided to kidnap him and his young brothers and run far away with them from their father so he doesn't get to see them again. But his father was an intelligent man who knew how to deal with this situation. He sent her back home with a promise to follow her after she buys a new house. But at the moment she stepped foot in the airport, she reported to the police that the man works for an organization of some terroristic identity. That's when the father decided to break his promise for the first time in his life, as he knew that he'll be jailed for life without any chance of laying sight on his children ever again.

A new chapter of his miserable life started when he realized that he and his brothers will spend the rest of their lives without a mother. And as the oldest child is the one responsible for his brother's safety and well being, Mister Nobody had to learn how to cook, wash clothes and iron them, wash the dishes.... In brief, he had to be his brothers' mother. By then, he was only six years old, but somehow, Mister Nobody mastered the art of being a mother in no time as he loved his brothers and provided them with physical and emotional security as well as taking care of them so they don't feel any different from all the other children who have actual mothers.

It was only a few years later that Mister Nobody got his first friend in the new country. Their minds and ways of thinking were as pretty as identical twins. Their bond was so divine that everyone around them thought they were brothers. These two young fellows spent the time of their lives together, they even spent more time together than they did with their own families. At this point, Mister Nobody thought that his life was starting to change to the better, he also had day dreams of the perfect future he would have. But as it is for everything else in life, even the most beautiful moments won't take long before they come to an end and become memories. This close friend of Mister Nobody turned out to be a double agent working for the group of guys that bullied Mister Nobody over the years. It was known later on that he tried to get close to Nobody for a purpose of revealing his secrets to the group of bullies. At that moment Nobody realized that no one's worth of trust, not even the closest people. After getting his heart broken, Nobody isolated himself for months in his room, not talking to anyone except his father and brothers, and that cost him failing at school as a result of not attending classes. One night, and as he was laying in bed, he had a session of overthinking everything that had happened to him. As he was flying through the clouds of thoughts, he came to find himself the idol of his young brothers. And being a failure at school and life isn't an option because that would mean that the picture in his brothers' heads wouldn't be pleasing. So he took action by putting his emotions to the sides and working hard to catch up with the kids of his age, and that's what he did. Never will he ever forget the look of pride on his father's face when he came home as the first kid in his class.

By the age of seventeen, Mister Nobody had an emotional breakdown after breaking up with a girl he's been in love with for almost two years. Why did that happen? She simply chose to be with some other guy because she was bored of being with Nobody for too long. That left him a new kind of pain he has never tasted before. Being shocked and in disbelief, Nobody found food to be his safe place; whenever he felt sad or suffering, he'd go to eat as a way of escaping the pain, or at least forgetting it. At that rate, Nobody gained a lot of weight in no time. He became so obese that even his relatives made fun of him whenever they wanted to laugh. Being under the highlight of hurtful criticism made our young man suffer even harder. But that was nothing to him compared to what he has been through. Mister Nobody disciplined himself to a well-organized food diet and hundreds of hours of hard gym time. In a matter of a few months, he came back to the world as an unrecognizable brand new person with a mentality and personality that shocked everyone around him. He came back with a bright smile painted on his face from ear to ear, full of energy and love.

Mister Nobody is twenty three years old at the time being. He's far away from his family for college. And he has been diagnosed with lung cancer not so long ago. He has already set a date to start his chemotherapy sessions even though he knows he'll be in so much pain. Still you will never cross eyes with him and see anything but love and positivity. He made himself a vow of never giving anyone the satisfaction of breaking him, and he lives by the code that his father gave to him one day :" God sends the hardest battles to his most powerful soldiers".

As miserable as his life is, Mister Nobody never thought of taking his life away. As a matter of fact, he intends on living as long as he can to spread love and positive vibes among people. He will keep fighting because he believes that the beautiful days in life are yet to come.

Before taking your life away, if you ever reach that point, remember Mister Nobody who has always managed to embrace the hardships. Remember what he has suffered and how he kept on pushing forward.

The End.


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